How to Apply
Registration must be done by filling an application form (see below) and submitted along with a short Curriculum Vitae.
Applications must be sent by April 30, 2023.
Applicants will be selected and admitted to the Azores Summer School based on the submitted curriculum vitae which must clearly state the applicant’s background.
We strongly suggest Portuguese based students and USA students to apply for FLAD scholarships.
The organisers of the AzSS can accept a maximum of 35 students.
Successful applicants will be notified by e-mail about admission by May 15, 2023.
Applications received after this date will considered on a first-come-first-served basis until course is full.
Confirmation of acceptance
After receiving the Acceptance Letter, admitted participants will have to confirm their participation by payment of the registration fee by June 20, 2023.
After payment of the registration fee participants will be provided with lecture-related material and pre- course readings. In case of withdrawal after June 30, no registration fee is refunded.
Pre-requisites for application
Research interests in insular ecosystems is a must. A background in Biogeography is desirable but not an impediment.
Inscription Fees
FLAD scholarships (see below): 100 €
BSc and Msc students: 200€
PhD students: 300€
Post-docs and senior researchers: 400€
Fees include lectures and lecture notes, field excursions, trips by boat around the island, coffee breaks, welcome reception, and closing dinner to all participants.
FLAD scholarships
a) There will be scholarships for CCMAR (Faro University), CIIMAR (Porto University), BIODIV (Porto University and Lisbon University) and CESAM (Aveiro University) students, funded by FLAD - Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, which include all expenses related with the hotel at Santa Maria Island (Azores) – double room – as well as the cost of the flight from mainland Portugal (Porto or Lisbon) to Santa Maria Island. Please note that lunch and dinner are not included in the FLAD scholarships.
b) There will be scholarships for USA students funded by FLAD-Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, which include all expenses related with the hotel at Santa Maria Island (Azores) – double room – as well as the cost of the flight from Boston to Santa Maria Island. Breakfast and coffee-breaks are also included. Please note that lunch and dinner are not included in the FLAD scholarships
Certificate of Completion and credits
All participants will receive a certificate of attendance. Students that require credits will get them approved by the University of the Azores.
Application Form